

发布时间:2023-03-09 | 【打印】 【关闭】


2005 - 2009                    河南大学                                  理学学士

2009 - 2012                    河南大学                                  理学硕士

2013 - 2016                    中科院微生物研究所              理学博士

2012 - 2013                    军事医学科学院                      实验员

2016 - 2019                    国家纳米科学中心                  博士后

2019.09 - 至今               国家纳米科学中心                  副研究员






[1] J. Zhao, J. Gao, W. Xue, Z. Di, H. Xing, Y. Lu, L. Li. Upconversion luminescence-activated DNA nanodevice for ATP sensing in living cells. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2018, 140(2), 578-581.

[2] J. Zhao, H. Chu, Y. Zhao, Y. Lu, L. Li. A NIR light gated DNA nanodevice for spatiotemporally controlled imaging of microRNA in cells and animals. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2019, 141(17), 7056-7062.

[3] J. Zhao, Z. Li, Y. Shao, W. Hu, L. Li. Spatially selective imaging of mitochondrial microRNAs via optically programmable strand displacement reactions. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021, 60(33), 17937-17941.

[4] C. Sheng#, J. Zhao#, Z. Di, Y. Huang, Y. Zhao, L. Li. Spatially resolved in vivo imaging of inflammation-associated mRNA via enzymatic fluorescence amplification in a molecular beacon. Nature Biomedical Engineering 2022, 6(9), 1074-1084.

[5] Q. Liu, H.B. Cheng, R. Ma, M. Yu, Y. Huang, L. Li, J. Zhao*. A DNA-based nanodevice for near-infrared light-controlled drug release and bioimaging. Nano Today 2023, 48, 101747.