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朱墨桃,国家纳米科学中心研究员,博士生导师。2004年本科毕业于北京大学药学专业,2009年博士毕业于中国科学院高能物理研究所生物无机化学专业。博士毕业后加入国家纳米科学中心任助理研究员、副研究员。后赴美在休斯顿卫理公会研究所从事博士后研究,2019年被聘为美国南加州大学助理教授。20213月回国加入国家纳米科学中心。朱墨桃课题组工作聚焦于纳米生物技术用于肿瘤和感染等重大疾病的治疗和免疫调控,力图从纳米结构-生物分子交互作用水平,研究高效免疫调控的新技术和新机制。在Acc. Chem. Res.ACS NanoJ. Clin. Invest., SmallBiomaterialsJ. Control. Release, AutophagyToxicol. Sci.Toxicology等权威SCI杂志上发表论文40余篇,文章总引用率超过 4000 (Google ScholarH-index>20)。已申请/授权国内国际专利多项








1.    Guangtong Deng, Chaoran Li, Lang Chen, Changsheng Xing, Chuntang Fu, Chen Qian, Xin Liu, Helen Y. Wang, Motao Zhu*, Rong-Fu Wang*. BECN2 (beclin 2) Negatively Regulates Inflammasome Sensors Through ATG9A-Dependent but ATG16L1- and LC3-Independent Non-Canonical Autophagy. Autophagy 2021. In press

2.    Motao Zhu, Libo Du, Ruifang Zhao, Helen Y. Wang, Yuliang Zhao, Guangjun Nie*, Rong-Fu Wang*. Cell-Penetrating Nanoparticles Activate the Inflammasome to Enhance Antibody Production by Targeting Microtubule-Associated Protein 1-Light Chain 3 for Degradation. ACS Nano 2020, 14, 3, 3703–3717

3.    Motao Zhu, Guangtong Deng, Peng Tan, Cuiping Guan, Chongming Jiang, Yinlong Zhang, Bingnan Yin, Changsheng Xing, Bo Ning, Kaifu Chen, Yuliang Zhao, Helen Y. Wang, Beth Levine, Guangjun Nie*, Rong-Fu Wang*. Beclin 2 negatively regulates innate immune signaling and tumor development through non-canonical autophagy. J. Clin. Invest. 2020,130(10):5349-5369

4.    Motao Zhu, Xilai Ding, Ruifang Zhao, Xuewu Liu, Haifa Shen, Chunmei Cai, Mauro Ferrari, Helen Y. Wang, Rongfu Wang*. Co-delivery of tumor antigen and dual toll-like receptor ligands into dendritic cell by silicon microparticle enables efficient immunotherapy against melanoma. J. Control. Release. 2018, 272, 72-82.

5.    Motao Zhu, Guangjun Nie, Andre Nel*, Yuliang Zhao*. Physicochemical Properties Determine Nanomaterial Cellular Uptake, Transport, and Fate. Acc. Chem. Res. 2013, 46(3), 622-631

6.    Motao Zhu, Yiye Li, Jian Shi, Weiyue Feng, Guangjun Nie*, and Yuliang Zhao*. Exosomes as extrapulmonary signaling conveyors for nanoparticle-induced systemic immune activation. Small  2012, 8(3), 404-412 Cover picture

7.    Motao Zhu, Xin Tian, Xiao Song, Yanhua Tian, Yuliang Zhao, Guangjun Nie*. Nanoparticle-induced exosomes target antigen-presenting cells to initiate Th1-type immune activation. Small 2012, 8(18), 2841-2848

8.    Xin Tian1, Motao Zhu1, Yanhua Tian, Ramm Grant, Yuliang Zhao*, Guangjun Nie*. A membrane vesicle-based dual vaccine against melanoma and Lewis lung carcinoma. Biomaterials 2012, 33(26), 6147-54
